Junrey Balawing, the person in pictures got hight of just 23.5 inches!

The name of person in pictures is Junrey Balawing, born on June 12, 1993 in the countryside town of Sindangan on the Philippines' southern island of Mindanao and about 865 kilometers south of the capital Manila.

He is son of blacksmith worked and lived in Filipino. It appeared that in child hood Junrey Balawing stopped his growth.

His family started worry about his height. When he was a child was acknowledged as the world's smallest man on Sunday as he achieved his age of 18 years.

His height is just 23.5 inches, Junrey Balawing is the biggest of 4 brothers and sisters, the rest all his family members have normal structure and body shape.

His parents tried to arrange his studies and admitted him in regular school. Soon they realized that the study process in such kind of school is not possible just because all other child were of normal body and height and weight.

In between all of them their son Junrey Balawing got great risk of like as he could be hit and even crush on free times during school day. So they cancelled his admission and in this way, he had to leave his studies. 

Junrey Balawing is lucky on the other side, he got very gentle family members, not only this, also his other relatives like friends and cozens take much care in Junrey Balawing’s matter. They arrange suitable occasions for Junrey Balawing’s outing where He enjoys a lot and plays his like games.

Here, we are capturing few moments from Junrey Balawing’s life ..


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