Pumpkins and Pumpkin Seed : appears a common, ordinary food but has much variation!

Pumpkin is one amazing substance that grows on earth but has so great features like a magical effect. Pumpkin is used to eat directly just after cutting it in pieces and in some countries, it used in cooking with different other vegetables and different meals. 

 No matter, if you don’t want to eat it as fresh by just cutting with knife in half, you should take it by adding it in different formulation with other vegetables and fruits also. If you want to cook it with different other meals, it will also give the great taste. 

The proof of its amazing qualities is open in shape of its seed, called Pumpkin seeds. Finely lovable and crazy with a compliant, fibrous feel, the baked seeds are one of very energetic  nutrition & tasteful seeds around that are easily available. 

Pumpkin seeds can be obtained throughout the year.

Seeds of Pumpkin are also known as pepitas, they are flat, dark green. Some are covered in a yellow-white outer. Some kinds of pumpkins give birth seeds without shells.

 As cantaloupe, cucumber, & squash, pumpkins and pumpkin seeds belong to the gourd family.  

The healing properties of pumpkin seeds have also been recently investigated with respect to arthritis. In animal studies, the addition of pumpkin seeds to the diet has compared favorably with use of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug indomethacin in reducing inflammatory symptoms.

Importantly, though, pumpkin seeds did not have one extremely unwanted effect of indomethacin: unlike the drug, pumpkin seeds do not increase the level of damaged fats (lipid peroxides) in the linings of the joints, a side-effect that actually contributes to the progression of arthritis.

  These are amazing resource of healthy minerals, and protein and monounsaturated fat, that a human body needs badly. Not only this, pumpkin seed Phytosterols lower cholesterol and has positive influence in anti-Inflammatory regarding arthritis.

A chart that shows Nutrients in Pumpkin Seeds (Raw Pumpkin Seeds)


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