Turkey, famous at all, as a pet and being at thanksgiving dinners after roasted

Belonging to bird’s family, big in size, mostly found in north America, almost whole of its body covered with feathers, naked neck and head. The name is such bird is Turkey. People of whole subcontinent of America like equally this bird and not for its looking and outer appears but also to take it in their meal. To keep alive the cooking process and to continue its use as food, mostly people started domestically adopted these turkeys.

They take care of their all necessaries like they try to provide enough room to feel like they are in natural atmosphere, they try to provide sufficient food and fresh air. On the other hand, turkeys also pay back them full at their end in shape of good size and rich taste.

There are still number of people who just keep this bird Turkey as a pet and their favorite bird in their homes. Unlike others those who want to keep this innocent as just for using in meal. Coming back to the point regarding those who keep this bird in their homes just for their wish and treat turkeys as pet bird, they really take care and take them even as their family members. 

Going in detail, if we want to categories turkeys, we found as two kinds of this bird mainly. One will be called as domestic while the second will be called as wild. The domestic turkey is less active and harsh than wild, as it remains most of time in house that’s why it develops habits like humans on the other hand the situation is different. Now we share little about wild turkeys.

It is simple to keep in mind that they are actually from the birds family that’s why if some times, when u forget to cut their feathers, then you should be ready to catch them back from your own roof or from some neighbor’s house or roof because they can fly. Wild turkeys are more active and intelligent than a common domestic turkey. They know the use of time to fly or bite their opponent. Physically there is little difference between domestic and wild turkey. As there is not much activity for domestic turkey and they used to stand or sit on their specific places they got weight and more size than wild turkeys. On the other side, a wild turkey as already told is much active and intelligent and in many ways you can see it is much smarter that’s why it used to move here and there, and likes to move around, for this reason the wild turkey has not much size and weight as a domestic turkey has because wild turkey consumes its energy so it looks more smart in size and more smarter as intelligent and active. Wild turkey has one significant quality and that is it can run as fast and it can achieve upto 30 to 35 miles per hour. Domestic turkey is slow than wild as domestic turkey has not such atmosphere as wild turkey achieves. There are many points and aspects about this bird now lets have different views of this bird.

Now in snaps, you are wathcing well cocked turkey.

Guess how amazing taste will be of raosted turkey.

Roasted turkey is famous dish for the thanksgiving occasion.


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