Want Caffeine ? just pay attention, may be here is somthing new for you about Caffeine!

In a number of plants, main-nervous structure tonic that occurs naturally calls Caffeine. In the world of plants, mostly it is used for relaxing nervous while it is actually as a natural form. It is naturally present in coffee shrubs, tea trees, cacao trees and yuba pal.

It is considered as drug that can make human physically active; but its use is not prohibited or controlled by law enforcement like many other psychoactive drugs.

Other Names for Caffeine that are common as guaranine, theine or mateine. If someone wants to avoid such elements of caffeine, so make sure that none of such names are in ingredients list.
Caffeine in small quantity remain presents naturally in different materials such as chocolate will most expected not be injurious. 

But if it has been used in bigger quantity or when used as habit, it becomes bad for health. A part from this, there are many negative aspects of its more than normal use. 

Caffeine is addictive. If caffeine is used by someone daily, He or She will develops a dependence on the caffeine just like any other psychoactive remedy.  

Cream added beautifully, looks like a leaf in gold!

Caffeine in shape of Coffee, The combination of Coffee and Biscuits are good.

Even some time, small quantity of Caffeine if use before going to bed can upset your sleeping. Always try not to use Caffeine at night, or such times that you fixed for you rest.

Caffeine has influence on central nervous system; so use of Caffeine could be reason towards hosting of problems like feeling slightly drone to unease or dread confusion.

From its causes, one is to believed that caffeine has influenced towards panic and anxiety disorder and which also caused to temporarily add more amount of dopamine in body and then after short period that could be for few hours, it suddenly decreased when influence of caffeine vanishes.

The study shows that caffeine increases pulse rate, and also can cause of more blood pressure than normal. This can be dangerous specially for those who are already facing heart diseases and high blood pressure.

Caffeine can put more effects on females during menstrual cycle.

Caffeine also has a number of deadly properties through your menstrual cycle, few of them are:

• More breast tenderness.
• More pain.
• Hard to get sleep.
• Night sweat.
• Tension & fretfulness.

Below is a list of all of the side effects you might experience from caffeine.

• Headaches
• Irritability
• Difficulty concentrating
• Upset stomach
• Depression
• Sleep Disorders
• Irregular heartbeat
• Panic attacks
• Increased blood sugar
• Insomnia
• Rapid heart rate


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